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Primary immune deficiency

Primary Immunodeficiency is also known as congenital immunodeficiency. Many of these disorders are hereditary and are autosomal recessive or X-linked. There are over 80 recognized primary immunodeficiency syndromes; they are generally grouped by the part of the immune system that is malfunctioning, such as lymphocytes or granulocytes.

“Treating PI is harsh. It’s when I lost my hair I felt most depressed, going through the whole process of diagnosing, looking at the zebra, was a struggle but I always knew that I was going to get through it.

My biggest fear was what it did to me on the outside. I wanted to feel somewhat normal. I lost my confidence and I was seeking advice.

Patient peers that the pharmacy suggested helped me through this. I was able to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

We all went through it together.”

Ed: “Looking at the zebra” refers to the fact that primary autoimmune is a rare disorder. There is an expression in medicine, “When you hear hooves, look for horses.” This means that the most common conditions that match the symptoms should be considered first. There are those of us who must look for zebras, because we always seem to have the exotic diagnoses.

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