IMPORTANT NOTICE: REGARDING THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE (COVID-19) PANDEMIC EthicalFactorRX is closely monitoring the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic Learn More


HIV infection is a condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The condition gradually destroys the immune system, which makes it harder for the body to fight infections.

This article provides a general overview. For more detailed information, see: AIDS, Acute HIV infection, Asymptomatic HIV infection, Early symptomatic HIV infection

“I’ve been on and off the meds for decades, can’t describe myself as a person who follows through anything. Some of the meds gave me nightmares, some made me miserable for months. But after a while I went on and consulted about the side effects. We a made personalized regime and it worked. Some small side effects are still there but nowhere near what I felt before. I feel that personalizing the regime made a big change. I’m now compliant with the new stuff and feel better than ever.”

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